Monday, May 24, 2010

In about one week I will begin working with the Smithsonian Institution's Office of Exhibit Central.Holy Crap.I applied sometime in January thinking that there was a snowflakes chance in hell that I would even get it.Then 'SURPRISE' I get a phone call from a random area code from my supervisor telling me that I should probably start looking for housing in the Washington DC area because I have the job with them!I created this blog in hopes to cleverly document my time at the Smithsonian.I am excited,nervous,scared you name it.The Smithsonian is really a dream come true, and now I am working in what is best described as an umbrella office that works with all of the museums to build,restore and install exhibits.It is going to be a good summer, I've got my bike, a big heart and a sense of adventure.

Here goes nothing!

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