Monday, August 2, 2010

mid city dog days.

Surprisingly,its not that hot here as of late, as the term 'dog days' would usually imply. Not that that information about the weather here was that important to my blog, I am also not very good at keeping up with this blog either, I jot down things in my sketchbook that I learn while at work, but then the thought of transcribing them to another medium sometimes frustrates me, sometimes I wonder if what I say is actually exciting, well, it is exciting to me for the most part. I am not even sure what I have been up to lately, other than eagerly marking days off of my calender until my 2 week vacation starts with Nate.Hmmmmmm.....

Well, I met with another lighting designer, this time at American Art, his name was Scott, and he was SUPER STOKED to meet with me. No joke, this guy was really animated, and super in love with his work. Color is key when lighting a gallery, that is basically what he told me in a nutshell. When he lights artwork, he wants to light the most exciting part of it, and really make the color beautiful, and to my surprise NEW paintings are the ones you have to worry about the most when it comes to conserving them from the light sources, not OLD. Which I suppose makes perfect sense. Anyways, he was really great, and I really enjoyed taking a tour of American Art, and learning how he designed the light for each exhibit, piece, I also thought it was great he actually got to work with a few artists in the Modern Gallery on how to best light their work. I really enjoyed what he had to say, and enjoyed hearing him talk about how passionate he was about color. It always gets me excited to see someone else excited about something they love.

Back at HeadQuarters ( which is what I will refer to OEC as from now on to make life seem more exciting ) Lots of carpentry and painting, as usual, that is pretty much what goes on in my shop. I think I would have been better off in the model shop, it is a little more prop-y, and therefore; a little more my speed.

Last Thursday, we had our OEC Open House, which was hosted by the interns, and we held tours, showed stuff that we had been working on over the summer and held a Q&A session. It went well, my mom and twin sister drove up for the event, and then kindly dropped me off at my cousins house, and then turned right around and drove straight back to Norfolk. Making it a total of about 8 hours spent in the car for that day, what troopers.
: D

My internship is coming to a close fast, holy crap.

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