Monday, July 12, 2010


I've been staying pretty busy lately.But don't ever say to me
"Wow,You're busy"
Or any statement that remotely resembles the above.

I don't know why,but it drives me fucking bonkers.
I know how to manage my time,trust me on this.

Moving on.OEC has been buzzing lately and I love it.My first day back from Folklife I actually wandered into the Graphics Unit to help Theresa with an exhibit from S.I.T.E.S,which stands for Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibit Services.It is a program that takes exhibits to small towns.I was unloading an exhibit that just came back from somewhere in Georgia.It was called 'Key Ingredients' and was about the history of food in America.I had to un-pack everything from their crates,clean,mend etc.It was neat because it reminded me of prop-work.In the crates the exhibits all had spots,dedicated to specific items.It was a nifty little exhibit and really very fun.

The next day I went back into the paint shop to help Walter.It was great, I was prepping some panels for paint (say that 5 times fast) and then being awesome,I knocked one over,and onto the nearby slop sink,which subsequently put a GIANT FREAKING HOLE IN IT.
Needless to say, I was pretty embarrassed.But,nothing a little wood putty cant fix.
I worked all weekend long as a nanny for different families.It is good money, and keeps me busy (there is that damn word again) hopefully I can make enough money to start paying back loans.Wahoo!
Today,I was back in the paint shop with Walter,painting frames for an upcoming exhibit at the National Postal Museum called 'Collecting History',I got a real hands on experience with a REAAAALLLLLYYY nice Kremel Paint Gun,and primed all the frames,and will put the finish coat on tomorrow.Wednesday, I will be visiting the small fabrication unit inside of Natural History.I am so excited about this,I could pee my pants.No really.Natural History is my favorite of all the museums!Hopefully I will be checking out a few other fab units at the other museums before I leave.
Also today,began the frantic planning of an OEC Open House.We,the interns,will give tours,and 10 minute run-downs of what it is like to be an intern at OEC to fellow interns,friends,family,and other SI Staff on July 29th.
Holy Cow!
Halfway there!

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