Friday, July 2, 2010

It's July?!Say whaaaa?!

Holy Crap it is July!!Finally, I never thought June would end....the last few days in June seemed to CRAWL,not to mention I was totally bumming during that period of time too.I was feelin' really homesick, I missed my friends,I missed my boyfriend,I missed Ypsi.In that time I just wanted to be home,gettin' into shenanigans, drinkin' a beer at the corner brewery with all my friends and just lovin' my life in Ypsi.Then suddenly I realized I had no reason to be THAT depressed.I am living a pretty care-free life right now.I have little to no responsibility to speak of,and I am in a city that NEEDS to be explored,so I had a change of mind,and a change of heart.I realized that I can go and do what I please,when I please.I do not have to cater to anyone else but me.I can stop when I want,I can go where I want,and if I don't want to do something, I don't have to.It made things much better.Granted it is always nice to explore with a friend,but when I do find myself exploring something by myself....I just embrace that alone time,I can be as selfish as I want, and who gets that chance very often anyways?
Needless to say, that change of mind helped turn my week around for a very GREAT week.
I started off Monday in the dumps,I volunteered to work at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival that day,and someone told me to be there at 8AM,which is hysterical because the festival doesn't start until 11AM,and check-in for staff doesn't start until 10AM.I was pretty cranky that morning,it ended up being a mostly ok day despite the heat,and obnoxious tourists I had to fight with on the metro on my way home.The next day in the office I worked a lot on building panels for an upcoming exhibit called 'Cypress' (As in the country) that will open this September at Natural History.I am excited to work on this mostly because I will be here for it to be nearly complete.It will be nice to see my work come full circle.There are a lot of random things that the office has been working on that are long term projects,and that is mostly what happens around OEC.Wednesday I got my very own OEC t-shirt but was totally exhausted for some strange reason,bought some coffee from the nicest woman in the world,Wanda, who works in the cafeteria at OEC.Coffee,staff t-shirt,shoot I am just another regular OEC employee or something.Hahaa.I also spent Wednesday doing what one might call 'grunt work' or 'bitch work' but no matter,if you get assigned to do such work,do it right,make it awesome,and do it with a smile.I had to clean up the paint spray booths.Take out all the filters,remove the paper from the floor,but new filters in,and new paper down.Although I suppose it is fitting that I do this, considering Walter let me have at it with a paint gun....and I nearly painted his entire shop,but that is besides the point.Hahaha.
: D

There is something so strange about this city,it runs on clockwork.I swear on it.Everyday during my daily commute I see the same people,doing the same thing.Whether I bike or take the bus into work.The same people at the same bus stops,the same cyclists,and joggers outside of Natural History.The same guy on the fold-up bike in his suit probably going to work.The same group of bike cops,I wonder if they notice me,sitting there, watching them,I know it sounds creepy but I just notice these things,these people....its strange how precise they are.But I suppose being in the nations capitol it is appropriate.Wait, I take that back,clockwork,precision this country does not run like that...

The weekend is hardly over and so far it has been fun.I biked all around the city with my cousin Audrey yesterday.We started the day in Brightwood,where we live,biked to Tenley Town,the biked to Eastern Market and ate lunch at The Good Stuff, which is Chef Spike of Top Chef's restaurant.It was so delicious,I mean 'holy crap this is awesome delicious', I highly recommend it.Then later that night I went to the bar with my friend Emily last night for drinks,and then we explored the Capitol Hill and Eastern Market area.
Today I went down to the National Museum of the American Indian,walked in through the staff entrance,flashed my badge and bypassed lines,and security.Needless to say,that was awesome,and made me feel like I was a total baller....hahaha.I saw an amazing exhibit by Brian Jungen, it was so beautiful and moving.I also spent about an hour and half in their resource library reading.The librarian there brought me the LARGEST stack of books about the Cherokee tribe,their library has an amazing view of the CAPITOL BUILDING which is often mistaken by tourists for being THE WHITE HOUSE which I find to be disturbing that these people do not know the difference.
Anyways,it is about to be the Fourth of July in our Nation's Capitol and I get to be here to experience all that madness, I am sure it will be amazing and I will never want to do experience that madness on the National Mall ever.again.
I am excited either way though.

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