Friday, June 25, 2010


So,it is 1033 on a Friday night,and I am at home,blogging.Damn.

I am trying to think about where this week has gone....I feel like I have spent most of it in motion,biking,on a bus,on the metro....shoot.In fact I am not really sure what I did at work for most of the week.I know for a fact Tuesday I was an ultra space cadet at work,my day started with me not being able to assemble a blender,followed by missing my bus.
I did;however, end my day at the bar with one of my intern friends, Jared.We went to the Town Tavern in Adams Morgan for 1$ tallboys(classy,I know) and to watch some world cup soccer.A few of his friends were there and they were pretty cool.I had to leave shortly after my one 1$ drink because, I am THAT broke.It was good to hang out with people, and be social.I am craving that,I am friendly and when I am at home,I am with people I love all the time, and hang out with them it's like, I go to work,have a fairly good time at lunch with the other interns, and then its like.....welp,see ya tomorrow.

Wednesday I helped set up the Design&Display tent for Smithsonian Folklife 2010.That was a good experience, despite the crazy heat.
Today I started babysitting for a family,it was good to make money FINALLY.I would have liked to have more babysitting jobs lined up for the entire weekend though so I could have been making more money....gah!
I have spent most of today in a lonely funk, and that REALLY sucks.I miss Ypsi,I miss my friends,I miss my boyfriend,I miss getting into shenanigans in the mitten.It is okay to be lonely sometimes,and to be sad...hopefully my adventures tomorrow will get rid of all this funk....
I really wish I could go on an ice cream run to meijer with Kate right now though.
: (

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