Saturday, June 19, 2010

Adventure is out there!

So,this past week was really awesome.I explored Georgetown on Sunday,bought a pair of red TOMS,had my water bottle explode inside my bag and now my camera is sitting inside of a bag of rice,hopefully it will dry out and I will get another year and a half of use out of it before I have to buy another one.I love my camera,and I have to have it in order to take sweet pictures of all the great things I am working on at the Smithsonian.
What did I do this week at the Smithsonian you might ask?
Well,what did'nt I do is the better question.
I started off the week painting with Walter.The first time I was introduced to Walter he was sitting at his desk,and when I started working with him, I realized that he was the tallest man in the world.Literally.The guy is freaking huge, and a blast to work with.He has a real hands-off teaching style,so I got to dive right into the world of paint guns,started painting cases as soon as I walked in his door.I spent the majority of the week with him,my final day in the shop, I helped build 'chinampas' for the 2010 Smithsonian Folklife Festival,pretty cool and I can't wait to see them at the festival.
This past Thursday was the 'Smithsonian Intern Ice Cream Social'!
What a big let down.I started off my day early and went to the Hirshhorn Gallery and enjoyed a great exhibit by Yves Klien,and walked over to the National Postal Museum to meet and mingle with other interns, and get free ice cream!!
I was very disappointed when I got my two-bite sample size cup of ice cream,and hardly talked to other interns,it was very much so the lamest ice cream social ever.Then again,when is an ice cream social, not lame,well I guess when you actually have delicious ice cream.
I solved my ice cream situation later that afternoon as I found a Fro-Yo on my way to my metro stop.
The Postal Museum I highly recommend though,rather small, but actually very cool.This weekend so far has been uneventful, I was hoping to get together with my OEC interns and get into shenanigans and tomfoolery, but none of them seem too interested in either.
I need friends in DC,so I don't spend my Saturday afternoons blogging about my life.
Hopefully Toy Story 3 will be in my life this weekend,I am debating on exploring Eastern Market or the National Zoo tomorrow.We will see what happens.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well Betty....if the other OEC interns had no interest in shenanigans or tomfoolery then they have obviously not experienced them with Betty!!! I hope they come around! Then they will know what real fun is all about!!
