Friday, June 4, 2010


So,where do I begin in this mildly fantastic shitshow?Most of my fairly easy packing yesterday kept getting sidetracked by various events that were out of my control.One meltdown later, I managed to MacGyver my life for the next three months into the trunk of the car, and shoved my poor bike into the back seat, partially disassembled,mind you this was about 140AM by the time I was done...and then I crawled into bed only to be greeted by my wonderful alarm that went off at 445AM.The alarm went of I grumbled,groaned and stumbled half awake to shower and get dressed.Then I departed before the sun came up, I slammed a Monster Energy Drink, which always proves to be a horrible choice,yet in times of no sleep ('till brooklyn!)I reach for its delight at first, but horribly backstabbing ways.My first destination was the location of my office.It is situated on the Maryland side of DC, not too far out of the way.After hitting strange traffic, as well as an interesting situation that involved an unbelievable amount of police blocking off various exits,and surrounding a nearby building with about 20 motor police and although I am no expert, I think there was a bomb squad car.So made it past all of that nonsense to this industrial park area.I arrive at a very large warehouse type building and walk inside the lobby.Nothing like I expected, I was thinking a dull, drab warehouse with florescent lights end to end...cold cement floors, and the sounds of various shop tools being used.I walk into an Ikea inspired lobby.With colorful couches,seating areas and a tiled floor.Everything is modern in this building.Lots of bright colors, there I met up with my supervisor, Tim.He gives me a quick tour of my new workspace...tune in later for that...and signs off on some paperwork.From there, I hop back in the car,and head to my cousins house,where I drop all of my things off in her living room,get back in the car,tuck and roll at 6th street, and begin a goose chase of sorts.I wander in what I hope is the right direction...I am looking for the Office of Protection Services so that I can attain my ID badge....I am not having much luck until I spot a gentleman wearing an OPS outfit...I begin to stalk him....until he makes his way in what I am almost sure is the wrong direction....So I flag him down and ask where to go.He points me to another large,hustling and bustling building that I once again get lost in.Are we noticing a pattern here.I finally find the right location,and again, I am surprised.In my head I envisioned this waiting room with wood panels from the 70s, a dying plant of some sorts...dont ask me to go into detail about the plant...I dont know much about them.Sliding glass windows with crusty old secretaries, again I found this long Ikea like hallway with lots of colorful walls,LEDs lights, and this really nice floor that reflected light instead of absorbing it.
I only sat for a little while until I talked to the not crusty old secretaries,but really sassy and fashionable ladies of OPS....and surprise!Washtenaw County District Sheriffs Office did NOT send out my fingerprints in time....okay maybe thats not the case....maybe they got lost in the mail...maybe something really obscure it got lost in the wind out of a mail carriers bag...all I know is I got charged 15 bones to get my fingerprints taken.I want that money back, yo!I was lucky enough to have my fingerprints taken on site at here comes the tricky part.I will get a temporary ID on Monday morning at OEC.I will get to OEC via the SI Shuttle,I need an ID to get on the shuttle.
Sounds like fun right?
Well, I will cross that bridge when I get to it.
So, I left OPS with the intention of getting back to my cousins house...which ended up being a scenic tour throughout most of downtown DC in sweltering heat as I was coming off of my caffeine high.After a few lonely phone calls to friends in Ypsi, and a meltdown phone call to my mother I succumbed to a McDonald to get my blood sugar up again.I shamefully ate frenchfries out of my bag as I continued down the street looking for 13th and I street sipping on my coke,looking for the bus stop longing to devour the cheap hamburger that also sat in my bag while I waited for the bus.I found 13th and I street and sat at the bus stop.I ate my hamburger and am pretty sure I was mistaken for a wild animal, I am also really glad I just painted the most unattractive photo of me ever for all of you out there.I find the bus...empty and air conditioned....bliss.I plop down and sigh and I ride back to my cousins place.I crawl up the large hill to her house and victoriously greet her, and revel in my own little victory of navigation...and I mean it was a LITTLE victory...she had to tell me what bus to take and how to get there....I just got off the bus and walked to her house.So now I sit on the floor of her sons room, that I will be living in for the summer.Its kind of awesome...his wall his decorated with Nemo, and characters from Cars...
The unpacking has sort of begun and soon enough I will be settled...I think.Its going to be a pretty cool summer.

Here goes nothing.

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