Monday, July 5, 2010

Is it really a tale of woe?

Well,before I get into the Smithsonian Folklife Festival,let's talk about how awesome the 4th of July was here.I went downtown with my cousin and her family for the festivities,our first stop was the the American Art Museum and the National Portrait Gallery where we saw the private Norman Rockwell collection of George Lucas and Stephen Speilberg,that was pretty cool.After that we walked down towards the mall to scope out a spot for the fireworks.We found a pretty good spot in front of the Lincoln Memorial and waited for the show to start.The fireworks were pretty freaking spectacular.Then,we walked to Dupont Circle to avoid the mass crowds to hop on the metro to go home.Finally made it home by midnight,showered and crawled into bed.
It was a very good 4th of July....and I am not so sure I would ever want to be in Downtown DC again on the 4th for as long as I live.Hahaha.

Now on to Folklife.....

So, I was supposed to be working on the National Mall today at Smithsonian Folklife Festival 2010.
Let me do a quick re-cap of this festival for you all,get some of you caught up.
In the weeks leading up to Folklife I was asked if I wanted to be involved,I said yes out of curiosity and because I enjoy helping people,and my internship is actually pretty cool.So I filled out the appropriate paperwork for Folklife and faxed it off to the Folklife people.
Or so I thought.
I offer to help set up our tent on the National Mall the Wednesday before the Festival starts,I was pretty excited to do so because I like being outside,and working outside.I get there,unload a bunch of things from the truck,help set up.I am then asked to fill out the SAME paperwork by the woman in charge and I personally handed it to the woman in charge.
I use that term 'in charge' loosely.
So for the first day I worked Folklife I went down to the Mall and attempted to check-in,they do not have a badge for me-and I managed to get meal tickets because the guy from the Fab unit did not show up that day.I mentioned that I filled out paperwork twice,and that I would be working Folklife again on July 5th,and what can I do to make sure that this does not happen on the 5th.Of course I do not get much response and spend the rest of that day in the humidity...ugh.
So today is July 5th,everyone else has the day off except me.I go down to the mall,attempt to check in today,and AGAIN...they have nothing for me.No name badge,no meal tickets.
Seriously,again?I say to them I filled out YOUR paperwork TWICE,I am not sure where YOU MESSED UP.
I waited around the Design and Display tent for Harry to show up and I explained to him my situation,how ticked off I was,and if he didnt need me for the day,could I just leave?
He said yes and I was sooooo stoked.Harry is a pretty cool guy,he comes off sort of crotchety but that is part of his charm,hahaha.He agreed with me that he would be pretty ticked off too,so he just let me go.I was pretty happy,so now I am at home,in the wonderful air conditioning,enjoying some quiet and hopefully going to see One Man Lord Of The Rings at Woolly Mammoth Theatre tonight.

Believe me, I shed no tears over the Festival coordinators lack of being able to do anything right,it is 95+ outside today,do I really want to be on the National Mall?
Heck no!

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